In this article you will learn:
1. What are status updates, comments, and feedback requests
The task status is available for each task and you can update it anytime. It gives you a quick understanding of the current state of the task. You can add comments just to take notes or communicate with your team. Sharing status updates supports up to date project management and improves collaboration. Furthermore, you can request status updates from the task responsible, if a task status is outdated.
2. Where and how to create status updates, comments, and feedback requests
2.1 Status updates
Check status updates:
Hover over a task and click it
Scroll down to the Activity log on the focus card
You can see the latest update at the top of the Activity Log
Add status updates:
Click the Status update button on top of the focus card
Update the status, adjust the duration and buffer time if needed, add your comments, and submit the update
The status update appears in the Activity log on the focus card
2.2 Post comments
You can also choose to submit comments only without task status update:
Click the comment tab on the status update card
Add comments and submit it
Comments appear in the Activity log on the focus card
You can edit or delete your own comments in the Activity log on the focus card, just click on them and save your edit or delete it
Tip: The commenting field supports rich-text, so you can choose multiple formatting options
2.3 Notify other Allex users
@mentioning in your comments allows you to send a notification email to your colleagues. They will receive an email containing your comments and a link to open the task.
@mention someone in your comments and submit it
@mentioned person will receive an email
Click the link on the email to open the status card
Tip: You can @mention more people by editing your comments. Notification will be sent to the additional people only.
2.4 Send a task feedback request
If your team hasn’t updated their task status, you can request them to update them:
Go to the Home tab of the project
Click the Request feedback button
Send a request email to all task-assignees
They will receive an email containing a list of tasks and a link to open each status update card
2.5 Status update and comments for other objects
You can update the status and leave comments not only for tasks, but also for checklist items and milestones.
Open the Task
Scroll down to Checklist and click on the checklist item which status requires an update
Click the Status update button on top
Update the status, adjust the duration and buffer time if needed, add your comments, and submit the update
The status update appears in the Activity log on the focus card of the task
3. What happens next?
Keep track of all your projects in the portfolio view
Bring your projects with your team to the next level