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Product Updates

See improvements, bug fixes and new features on Allex

Meltem Akarsu avatar
Written by Meltem Akarsu
Updated over a week ago

Here's how you can tell the two update types apart:

✨ New and Improved

🔧 Fixed

March 2025

✨ Highlight teams in projects in the portfolio timeline: Get a clear staggering view and see when which team is working on the different projects.

✨ Colors for teams: Choose a color for each team to clearly differentiate them while staggering in portfolio timeline

✨ Total Team budget (h) per project displayed in the project Home view

✨ Status updates for projects - status updates expanded to entire project. Update activity can be found in the project home section.

✨ New sorting option: Sort by Last Status Update

🔧 Login time increased to 12 hours

February 2025

✨ New column - Last status update: add the date for the last status update to the task list

✨ More flexible status updates – Now you can adjust duration and buffer time when updating statuses.

January 2025

✨ Smart Hints for Milestones – Milestone now display smart hints, showing alerts for status, delays, and needed updates to keep projects on track.

✨ Saved board preferences – Boards now remember your last grouping, making it easier to pick up where you left off.

✨ Clearer time status for done projects– Done projects now show a greyed out time status.

✨ Filter your tasks by teams, roles and resources

December 2024

✨ New date range picker:

  • Two month view for easier planning of dates

  • Enter start and end dates in one view

  • Highlights date range for better visualization

Simulation mode (beta): Stagger projects in the portfolio timeline and simulate different versions.

✨ Bulk edit bookings: Book teams, roles, and resources across multiple tasks at once.

✨ New column in project and task list: See booked teams, roles and resources directly in the list.

🔧 Editing rights are applied consistently across projects, summary tasks, and individual tasks.

November 2024

✨ Portfolio timeline: When looking at a team workload you can now distribute over-bookings from one week to another.

✨ Filter by assigned task member using the global filter dialog or the column filter.

October 2024

✨ New in the CSV-Export:

  • Tasks: custom date fields, start and end date in calendar weeks and parent object

  • Projects: custom date fields, start and due date in calendar weeks

✨ Linked projects: The new dialog enables you to link project between tasks, milestones, or due dates.

✨ Linked projects: Hover over project links in the Timeline view for better visibility of the link.

✨ Exact search: Quickly find specific tasks by searching for the exact word.

✨ Portfolio timeline: Performance improvement allows to display big amount of projects

✨ Plan a project due date more than 5 years in the future

🔧 Team, role and resource bookings of projects that are "On hold" are no longer considered in the capacity workload

✨ More colors for custom fileds

✨ Workload in portfolio timeline: We now show the workload depending on the zoom level in days, weeks and months

September 2024

✨ Global Search link sharing: Share your searches in Global Search with others by copying the web link of your search and sharing that link with colleagues.

✨ All tasks are now summarised in the ‘My tasks’ view. The tasks can be managed flexibly in the lists and edited using the bulk edit function.

✨ New custom field type Date: Use date custom fields to set and sort by important dates like offer confirmations, payments, deliveries, etc. in your projects

✨ Manage absences in the team board: New types of absences available.

August 2024

✨ See private projects immediately with our new icon for these projects

✨ Copy multiple task and project details in the clipboard and paste them in your meeting agenda

✨ Team board - Kanban board: New option to group tasks by project

July 2024

✨ Team board list: Get an overview of done tasks by displaying them and searching for them

✨ Team board timeline: Edit booking dates directly in the dialog when adding a new task to a resource via the timeline

✨ New dialog for displaying workloads in the portfolio timeline: Search for a role or a team

✨ Filter tasks and projects directly in the list columns and find everything you need with a few clicks

✨ New columns for task and project lists: Start and end dates are also available as calendar weeks

🔧 Projects from templates without a due date will get a first fixed task or milestone when entering a dedicated start date

June 2024

✨ New columns for task and project lists:

  • Parent object like summary task name can now be displayed in task lists (project, team board or search)

  • Project start date can be displayed in task and project lists

✨ Manage organization members fast and easy: Searching for members in the organization is available.

✨ New in the CSV export for tasks: custom fields with multiple options, assigned members, number of attachments, and project-specific custom fields. The CSV export for projects also contains custom fields with multiple options

✨ Responsible assignment: Project members & responsibles are shown on top of the member list, so that recurring responsibles can easily be found and assigned.

✨ New custom field type multi-selection: Use multi-selection custom fields to select multiple options which fit a project or task

✨ Bulk selection & editing in lists: Status changes of several tasks/milestones/checklist items can be provided with comments

✨ Bulk selection & editing in the lists: Bulk feedback on dates & duration of tasks/milestones/checklist items incl. comments

May 2024

✨ Renewed dialog for highlighting roles in the Portfolio timeline: Search for the role you want to select & sort by selected role

✨ Task lists: Members of tasks, milestones, and summary tasks are now shown in list views

✨ Renewed dialog for adding columns to lists: Separate standard and custom fields by organization & option to search for the correct field

✨ New columns for task lists: Project custom fields can now be displayed in task lists (project, team board or search)

✨ Portfolio & Global search for projects: Edit the project due date directly in the list

April 2024

✨ Linked projects: Integration milestones can be viewed in sub-project timelines

✨ Linked projects: In Timeline view, dotted arrows now show where a sub-project links to an integration point

✨ Extension of permissions for assigning Approvers: Task Admins can now assign team members as Approvers

✨ Search and Filters in Project lists: Filter tasks in your project list for a more focused view

March 2024

✨ UX improvement: Explanation to use the quick filters in the text field of the search "Use @ and # to see quick filters"

🔧 The Team board timeline shows data up to 4 months into the past - absences and tasks

🔧 Teammanager can assign projects and tasks with Viewer rights in their team board - via the dialog existing task

✨ Task lists: Column to display the number of attachments for a task, milestones or checklist item

✨ Task lists: Quickly recognize fixed tasks by the pin in front of the task date

✨ You can restrict access to the team board to protect the personal data of your team members. This means that only team members can open these boards.

✨ Filter by different approvers to have an overview of your own approvals and those of my colleagues

✨ Team board timeline: Task title and workload always visible - The bar texts move with the view

✨ Team board timeline: Check the workload of a single resource by hovering over the availability line (green/red)

✨ AI project generator: Create project plans in seconds. Find out more: How do I use the AI project generator?

February 2024

✨ Portfolio timeline: Task titles always visible - the bar texts move with the view

✨ Board views: Improved behavior for moving task cards.

✨ New login window in the Allex MS Team App

✨ Improved UX on the requirements when entering a new password

🔧 Smoother scrolling in the timeline of the team board

✨ Security improvements: See your last logins and log out from all active sessions in your profile.

✨ Change your password in your profile (not working for SSO-Users)

✨ New colors for roles: Set different colors for roles to stagger easy by multiple role in the portfolio timeline view.

January 2024

✨ Approval required: Mark checklist items for approval directly in the task focus card

✨ Recognize your linked projects directly in the portfolio timeline by looking at the integration milestone

December 2023

✨ Plan your team and role into the capacity: You can now also plan your tasks at team or role level to display the capacity. Read more. More information

🔧 Mark projects created from a template directly as scenario.

✨ Display resource budget and planned hours in the list and export them via CSV.

November 2023

🔧 Checklist items are exported in the CSV file with date (column: End date).

✨Portfolio timeline: Have an overview of booked roles while staggering your projects. More information.

✨iFrame for single projects: a projects can be embedded via an iFrame in different environments. More information.

✨ Individual task management: Custom task grouping in the My task/day Board

✨Team board timeline: Keep your view simple - Show only bookings in the timeline

October 2023

Multiselect & edit for projects in portfolio & search: Quickly change status, responsible or delete multiple projects at once.

✨ Focus card: Edit the booked hours for a resource directly

✨ Project timeline: When looking at really long task, the title of the task will always be displayed

✨ MS Project import/ export: You can import an MS Project file into Allex and continue your project this way. You can also export your MS Project file and receive the link to it via email

✨ Reminder: set a reminder in Allex to remember and take action on a specific task or milestone at a designated time in order to avoid project delays

September 2023

✨ The bulk edit helps you to change responsibilities, update status, request feedback updates and delete items from multiple selections

✨Without any initiativ value you can change custom fields with a selection of projects and tasks now in the list view

✨ New sorting option in the portfolio view and global search (Projects): now you can sort by task on the critical path

August 2023

✨ Allex lists are renewed: More flexible functions such as resizing and drag and drop columns

✨ Choose whether a new colleague should receive an invitation email when sending the invite to Allex

✨ Admins can export all members of the organization as CSV list

✨Checklist column was added to the team board list

July 2023

✨ New sorting option for tasks: sort task list in my tasks and global search by "Last updated"

🔧 Migration of all UI components to newest version

June 2023

✨ Plan and schedule tasks after the project due date in the netplan. Find out more

✨ New resize option of team workload in the portfolio timeline: View more teams at a glance

✨ New resource hours overview: Find the total target and forecasted hours in the project home

May 2023

✨ Allex contents can be added to an webpage as an embedded app using iFrame. Read more in the help center article.

✨ New Board view in My tasks and My day: Manage your tasks in a simple Kanban view

✨ Search and filter in My tasks & My day: Filter your tasks to focus on what´s important

✨ Scenario project: Notification won’t be sent out if the project is a scenario project

✨Cancelled project: Cancelled projects or their tasks won’t be displayed in the default search result unless the search filter for project type is specified

April 2023

✨Group tasks by assigned resources in the team board

✨ Check the tasks of your resources at a glance: Group the team board board view by assigned members

🔧 Microsoft Teams App: Custom fields in the project description are now correctly displayed

✨ Upload files quick and easy. Via copy & paste of the clipboard or via drag & drop of the files into the focus card (even several at once)

March 2023

✨ Now it is easier to see where buffer consumption or waiting time has occurred in my project: Display directly in the project list.

✨ Mobile optimisation and UX improvements in Project page and large dialogs

✨ Are you using resources on several team boards? Now display all bookings on the team board to avoid any overbooking.

✨ New view in the team board: You can manage your team tasks in a kanban board now.

✨ Plan your resources more efficient. The availability is displayed when you book resources for your tasks to prevent overbooking.

February 2023

✨ Create better project or portfolio reports with Allex data. New fields like project progress (%) or buffer utilization (%) are now available as CSV export or using the public API.

✨ CSV improvements: (1) Easier to open the CSV data in an excel sheet for the users in the German region. (2) Download-link will be delivered via email that is valid for 48 hours. You can download the CSV file at your comfort.

✨ Search/Filter UI improvements: You can add an additional search filter flexibly in the right position as you wish.

🔧 The year for the task date is now also displayed in the list for projects and search.

🔧 Stagger projects faster. Loading times for projects have been greatly improved when highlighting roles in the portfolio view.

✨ New sorting option for projects: “Sort by project start date” has been introduced at Global search and Portfolio.

January 2023

✨ Automatic recognition of the working time model when adding a resource to a task

✨ Faster resource planning: Add multiple resources to a task at once

✨ Link projects: Now you can link projects to each other, create a structure, and manage several projects easier. Read more in the help center article

✨ Save search function has been added to the Portfolio page and Team board. How to save a search is simple - follow this instruction

December 2022

✨ Additional filter option when adding a resource for a task: Filter your resources by team or role to find the resource you need faster

✨ Enable SSO for Azure AD and Allex so your users can authenticate quickly and easily. Learn more.

November 2022

✨ Booking hours: Add bookings with 0 hours per day in the focus card.

✨ Note field for bookings: Add notes to your bookings to share information in the focus card. It is then shown in the focus card and in the team board timeline.

✨ New search filter: You can filter “tasks” by project custom fields

🔧 Search by custom fields: Two steps to narrow down your search criteria – 1) select a custom field type, 2) select a custom field value. No more long list.

✨ New search filter: You can filter “projects” by tasks that are in progress or on the critical path

✨ @mention list: Project manager and team members are now placed at the top. You can find them quickly.

🔧 If a status update is given, the end date is automatically set to today's date - no more manual adjustment.

🔧 Task card: Resource information is displayed once per role and team. No more duplicates!

✨ Team board timeline: Have a better overview of your team's bottlenecks by activating the team workload

✨ Team board timeline: Filter your team by role or name to see important information at a glance

✨ Now you can plan project tasks e.g. Service after the project due date. These tasks will not cause project delays and don't influence the project health.

✨ Netplan: Link tasks directly to the project due date to use backward date calculation on your project plan.

✨ Choose whether you want to duplicate a task/milestone within your project or move it to another project straight away.

October 2022

✨ Resource conflicts: See if a resource is overbooked in the focus card team booking area

September 2022

✨ Now it is finally possible! Buy Allex directly online via credit card. The subscription management is automatically done by Allex.

✨ Quickly and easily schedule your team? Create tasks without project relation directly in the team board timeline

✨ As a project manager, do you need an overview of all your project tasks? Find tasks based on project responsible. Available at Global search and Team board.

✨ New filters: Project Type (General, Template, Scenario): Choose one of the options to display a particular project type or apply a combination of them.

✨ Scenarios toggle: Turn on the “Show scenarios” toggle to check the workload of your teams including scenario projects. Available within the Workload menu option at Portfolio Timeline.

🔧 Go to your overview faster? The default view for all team boards is now the timeline

🔧 If your session has expired, we will now redirect you directly to the login. No more houston in the resources section.

✨ Team board: Add existing tasks for your team directly in the team board timeline

Advanced search filter: More convenient way of searching and combining filter criteria in the global search, portfolio view and team boards.

August 2022

✨ Accelerate your projects by optimally utilizing your capacity bottleneck. In the portfolio timeline you can more easily sort your projects along highlighted roles.

🔧 Portfolio timeline: Roles are now correctly highlighted for delayed projects as well.

✨ Portfolio timeline: For each week, the distribution among the projects can now be displayed for the team workload.

✨ With our new auto-fit zoom, projects are displayed in the project timeline in exactly the right way.

✨ Zoom level upgrades: Two new zoom levels, improved navigation to next time period, improved display of time period per zoom level

✨ Search: Find all overdue todos for your project at a glance? Now checklists are also included in the search.

July 2022

✨ Search function: Search for term words, which can have any position in the attribute texts

✨ Team board: Create new tasks for your team directly in the team board list.

🔧 Internationalization for dates: Setting task dates across time zones

✨ Portfolio timeline: You can evaluate your team workload in addition to the role workload

✨2 new columns in the list views: Add assignment and creation date per task as columns in the list views of projects, My tasks, Team board and search

✨ List views: Edit task duration and buffer duration even faster with one click directly in the list view.

✨ Board view: Your last grouping selection (status, responsible, summary) is saved per project.

Feedback via mobile phone: We optimized the use of the task focus cards and the status update process via smartphone. Try it out and update your tasks on the go.

June 2022

✨ New CSV export options: There are two additional options to export resource hours – per team or per role.

File upload: Add files to tasks, milestones and checklist items

✨ Board view: Now you can see your project tasks and milestones grouped by summary task

✨ Collapse/Expand all summary tasks: With one click, you can open or close all summary tasks in the List, Netplan, and Timeline views.

2-factor authentication: You can secure the login for all members of your organization with an authentication code. Contact us to activate it:

May 2022

Board view: You can see your project tasks and milestones in a board view and group them by status or responsible

✨Workspace: The former workspace is now a private project in the Favourites folder.

✨Favourites folder: Introduced a new project folder named Favourites. You find it on top of your project folder list. So you can simply move projects to favourites.

✨New sorting options: On the My tasks page you can sort your tasks now by assignment date and by creation date

My tasks: We renamed Upcoming tasks to My tasks. Find all tasks that are assigned to you here.

InApp Notification: It displays the number of unread notifications within the read badge on the notification icon. It helps you quickly to quickly check how many new notifications you received.

Notification settings: You can decide whether you want to receive an In-app notification, e-mail notification or both for each notification type. You can access it via the Notification center, profile setting navigation, or email notifications.

E-Mail notification: You will now also receive an e-mail notification, when someone assigns you responsible for a project, summary task, task, milestone or checklist item.

April 2022

✨Task duration: From now on you can edit the duration of planned fixed tasks.

✨My Tasks: Upcoming shows you all your tasks, checklist items, and milestones without due dates. Accelerate your collaboration.

In-App Notifications: Introduced the read/unread button. You can set the notification status to read or unread. You can change the status just by clicking the button.

In-App Notifications: Introduced the red badge, it indicates that there are unread notifications for you.

✨Team booking: Book persons without roles. The booked person only has to be a member in the team board, a role is not required anymore.

March 2022

✨Commenting and Status Update function now also for checklist items.

🔧 Improvement of the Drag and Drop behavior in all the list views, leads to easier targeting to the desired drop-off position.

In-App Notifications: Introduced the notification center which shows different types of notifications (@mention, assignment & feedback request).

🔧 Fixed additional recalculation efforts in the netplan, when moving a task into a summary task in the list view of a project.

✨ Renamed Inbox to Workspace: Recently we introduced new functions to Inbox and the concept of the Inbox changed quite a lot. Since you can plan a mini-project within the page, it has been renamed to Workspace.

✨ Duplication of a summary task including links: It duplicates a summary task keeping the links already created between tasks. No more re-linking!

✨ Project / Task share function: We improved the user experience by introducing a new button in the user permission screen. User journey for adding a new member is clearer and more straightforward.

✨ Focus card > Breadcrumbs: They are more eye-catching now for you to be able to easily navigate yourself back to the project or parent task.

✨ Focus card > Close icon: You can easily close a focus card by clicking the cross icon. It'll also navigate you to a relevant project if it's opened via a deep link.

✨ Optimised tooltip over timeline: By hovering over a timeline bar, any timeline bar will show the full name of a task. Previously it displayed only when you hover over a task name.

✨Display planned buffer: Removed confusions created by automatically calculated buffer. Now it simply visualizes the planned buffer only.

✨ Project links in List view: You can click a project name and open the project in a new browser tab.

✨ Team board timeline: The employee utilization is now shown in your team.

✨Calendar: Create your project and employee calendars in a separate tab at organization level

✨ Non-working days in Calendar: You can pick up a non-working day (e.g. weekends, public holidays, company holidays) as a start-, end-, or due-date of a Project, Task, Checklist-item or Milestone.

✨ Focus card > Checklist-item: You can easily open a Checklist-item focus card by clicking the Checklist-item name or empty space.

✨ Focus card > Checklist-item: If you hover over the checklist-item title, the edit-icon will be displayed. If you click the edit-icon, you can directly edit the title there.

✨ Today in Timeline: We introduced the "Today" button in the Timeline view. With it, you can easily go back to the actual date, that is indicated by the blue vertical line.

✨ Last view configuration: Allex will now store your last view configuration – opened Columns, selected Zoom level, Time period (Week, Month, etc.), and Sorting option.

February 2022

✨ Focus card: New close function has been introduced at the top right corner in the blue headline. When you close a focus card and if you have permission to access its project, you will be navigated to the project. If you don't have permission, you will be navigated to My Day.

✨ Clickable project title: In the list view, you can click a project title to open it in a new tab of your browser. (Search, Inbox, My Day, Upcoming, Team Boards)

✨ Commenting: New access point to the commenting function has been introduced in the blue header of a focus card.

✨ Product Updates: New access point to the Product Updates page has been introduced in the profile menu.

✨ We've renewed the inbox to make your personal task management even more powerful: Create summary tasks, organize tasks via drag & drop, copy tasks, add comments & much more

🔧 When calculating hours in resource bookings, project calendars are now also taken into account

✨ SSO Login: For links in email notifications the login now works directly via SSO

January 2022

🔧 CSV Export: We improved the display of data in the exported CSV file

✨ More and more team members are using allex? Improved loading time for member list of larger organizations

✨ Folders: We renamed Sections to Folders. Read more in the help center article

✨ Search: You can select multiple responsible persons in your search

🔧 Tasks from templates are no longer displayed in team board list view. They are hidden by default.

✨ Global search: See and select your recent searches. Read more in the help center article

🔧 Performance boost: Increased speed for actions in the list and netplan view of large projects

✨ Sorting function: You can sort by Custom fields

✨ Project status: We added the new project status Canceled

✨ Registration/ Onboarding: Get started with Allex by using templates

December 2021

✨ No one likes manual work. You can select one or multiple calendars for your project and the date calculation takes into account all holidays. Read more

✨ Duplicate resource information: When you duplicate a task or summary task you can now select resource information (e.g. booked resources, budget) to be duplicated

✨ Team boards timeline: We simplified drag and drop of tasks and bookings

✨ Global search: We added a save search functionality. Read more in the help center article

✨ Global search: Quick filters for Tasks I’ve assigned, Tasks I’ve assigned to others and Tasks others assigned to me. Read more in the help center article

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